SWF Evaluation Factor

Enter your course code (eg LSN100) to find the evaluation factor.

Note: The factor provided is the highest factor given to this course over the past ten years.

If your course has been receiving a lower factor, please refer to the Collective Agreement - Article 11.01 E 2 (shown below) to acquire a better understanding as to how evaluation factors are determined. Evaluation factors need to be reflective of the work that is being done. If you require addiitonal assistance, please contact your Steward.

CA Article 11.01 E 2

For purposes of the formula:

  1. "Essay or project evaluation and feedback" is grading:
    • essays
    • essay type assignments or tests
    • projects; or
    • student performance based on behavioral assessments compiled by the teacher outside teaching contact hours.
  2. "Routine or assisted evaluation and feedback" is grading by the teacher outside teaching contact hours of short answer tests or other evaluative tools where mechanical marking assistance or marking assistants are provided.
  3. "In-process evaluation and feedback" is evaluation performed within the teaching contact hour.
  4. Where a course requires more than one type of evaluation and feedback, the teacher and the supervisor shall agree upon a proportionate attribution of hours. If such agreement cannot be reached the College shall apply evaluation factors in the same proportion as the weight attached to each type of evaluation in the final grade for the course.